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Let your college memories begin at First Friday! 

First Friday is an annual open house at Price Center where you learn about everything YOUR student union has to offer and have a chance to win some awesome prizes! You can win gift cards, iPads, multi-gift cards to Target, Amazon, Starbucks, and more! 

Learn all about your student union and participate in the scavenger hunt around Price Center. By completing the scavenger hunt you can receive an event-exclusive pin, socks, and t-shirt! 



University Centers

YOUR Student Union at UC San Diego!

Bring your completed card to University Centers Booth at TRITON STATUE to redeem for prizes and to be entered into the opportunity drawing! Prizes include: Visa gift cards, Triton Cash cards,  iPad, and Sanrio collectibles!

Learn More

Level 1

Bring your completed card to University Centers Booth at TRITON STATUE to redeem for prizes and to be entered into the opportunity drawing! Prizes include: Visa gift cards, Triton Cash cards,  iPad, and Sanrio collectibles!

Health Promotion Services: The Zone

PC West / Level 1

A lounge for student well-being designed to promote healthy, balanced living to UC San Diego students.


First Friday Octopus Character

The Bookstore

PC West / Level 1

The official home of all the latest Triton gear, textbooks, and more!


Triton Outfitters

PC West // Level 1

They were founded as an avenue for Associated Students to merchandise apparel, promotional, and specialty items, embodying campus culture.


First Friday Shell Character

Level 2

Bring your completed card to University Centers Booth at TRITON STATUE to redeem for prizes and to be entered into the opportunity drawing! Prizes include: Visa gift cards, Triton Cash cards,  iPad, and Sanrio collectibles!

The Trove

PC West // Level 2

Offers access to a treasure trove of shipping and mailing services in one convenient location.


Open Desk

PC West // Level 2

Provides hoteling-space office space where the UC San Diego community can reserve workstations, a private office, and collaboration spaces!


First Friday Monkey Character

The Gameroom

PC West // Level 2

Your place to play pool, ping pong, mahjong and more! Plus, commuter students can stash lunch from home in the Commuter Fridge.


APIMEDA Programs and Services

PC West // Level 2

Provides leadership development, community, retention, & advocacy that centers the experiences of APIMEDA peoples.


First Friday Whale Character

Campus Bike & Skate

PC East // Ballroom

Located at the Student Center you can purchase bikes & skateboards here or schedule repairs!



PC West // Level 2

A student-run space that is focused on access, retention, and community at UC San Diego.


First Friday Owl Character
First Friday Penguin Character

Triton Food Pantry

PC East Ballroom // Level 2

Their mission is to provide discreet services to UC San Diego students in need of food.


The Hub Basic Needs Center

PC East Ballroom // Level 2

They address the gaps and concerns students have with accessing nutritious food, stable housing, and financial wellness resources.


First Friday Seal Character
First Friday Axolotl  Character

Black Resource Center

PC East Ballroom // Level 2

A community space for campus which centers the experiences of African and Black students.


Women's Center

PC East Ballroom // Level 2

A  space where people work collaboratively to foster the educational, professional, and personal development of diverse groups of women.


First Friday Star Character
First Friday Fox Character

LGBT Resource Center

PC East Ballroom // Level 2

Resource center dedicated to serving our LGBTQIA+ campus community at UC San Diego


Cross-Cultural Center

PC East // Level 2

Supports the needs of the UC San Diego campus communities by creating a welcoming and holistic learning environment for everyone.


First Friday Bunny Character
First Friday Cone Character

The Loft

PC East // Level 2

A  student-centered, community driven, creative place for live performances, films, discussions, and art.


Level 3

Bring your completed card to University Centers Booth at TRITON STATUE to redeem for prizes and to be entered into the opportunity drawing! Prizes include: Visa gift cards, Triton Cash cards,  iPad, and Sanrio collectibles!

A.S. Graphic Studio

PC East // Level 3

A.S. Graphic Studio works with the UC San Diego community to build upon their design concepts and bring them to life.


First Friday Frog Character
First Friday Sungod Bird Character

Alumni Relations

PC East // Level 3

They create meaningful experiences for UC San Diego alumni, students, and the Triton community.


Center for Student Involvement

PC East // Level 3

Facilitates rich opportunities for learning, community building and engagement outside of the classroom.


First Friday Flower Character
First Friday Flying Dog Character

Event Services & Reservations Desk

PC East // Level 3

They have  all the resources that student organizations, departments and community members need to make reservations, plan events, and more!

Get Started

Student Life Business Office

PC East // Level 3

Their office provide high quality business services, including financial and human resource management.


First Friday Racoon Character

Level 4

Bring your completed card to University Centers Booth at TRITON STATUE to redeem for prizes and to be entered into the opportunity drawing! Prizes include: Visa gift cards, Triton Cash cards,  iPad, and Sanrio collectibles!

First Friday Jelly Fish Character

Associated Students

PC East // Level 4

Promotes student engagement in all areas of campus life through leadership, advocacy, and services.


Campus Events Office

PC East // Level 4

They enhance campus life through artistic, cultural, and social programs and events.

More About

First Friday Alien Cat Character
First Friday Cupcake Character

Graduate & Professional Student Association

PC East // Level 4

They exist to advocate for and provide for the enjoyment of social, cultural, and service-oriented events for all graduate & professional students at UC San Diego.
