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Space Allocation for Student Organizations

Student organizations may apply for space in University Centers (Price Center and Student Center). The spaces are assigned annually by the University Centers Advisory Board (UCAB) during the spring quarter for the following academic year. Space is not guaranteed and interested student organizations must apply each year, even if they were allocated space in a previous year.


Space Allocation Process & Guidelines


All CSI-registered student organizations are eligible to apply for Student Organization Space in the Price Center or Student Center.

All student organizations that would like an office or storage space in the Price Center or Student Center must apply on an annual basis. Organizations with a current space allocation are not guaranteed a space for the upcoming year.

The only student organizations exempt from this application process are:

  • Associated Students
  • Academic Success Program
  • Che Café Collective
  • Food Co-op
  • The General Store
  • Graduate & Professional Student Association
  • Groundwork Bookstore (does not include Books for Prisoners)
  • The Guardian
  • Greek Life Organizations, including member orgs of:
    • Multicultural Greek Council – Fraternities
    • Multicultural Greek Council – Sororities
    • Interfraternity Council (IFC)
    • Panhellenic Council (PHC)
  • SAAC *

Space is allocated to these organizations through a separate procedure. If you represent one of these organizations do not submit an application.

*Student organizations formally affiliated with the Student Affirmative Action Committee (SAAC) wishing to obtain space in the SAAC office suite in the Price Center must complete the SAAC application process. If the organization seeks space outside of the SAAC Suite, it must complete the UCAB space allocation application. Organizations will not receive more than one space.


Student Organization space in University Centers (Price Center and Student Center) is assigned annually by the University Centers Advisory Board (UCAB). The spaces are assigned during spring quarter for the following academic year. Interested student organizations must apply each year; space is not guaranteed, even if a space was allocated to your organization in a previous year.

To apply for a space, student organizations must have a principal member fill out the UCAB Space Allocation Application. Please read all information on this page before submitting an application.

Any unallocated space, or any space that becomes available during the academic year, will be allocated by a rank-ordered waiting list. If there is no such list, space will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. UCAB retains the right to reassign an organization to a different location during the academic year if facility issues arise.


Spring Quarter

  • Week 3: Application Opens
  • Week 6: Application Closes
  • Week 7: UCAB Space Allocation Committee meets to allocate spaces
  • Week 8: Allocations posted online
Timeline subject to change.


Your organization must agree to abide by all University regulations and University Centers Space Allocation Policy. It is your responsibility to share this policy with your principal members and for the principal members to ensure that its members and guests follow these guidelines. Please see the policy here.


Move-in Rules and Regulations

Student organization spaces in University Centers (Price Center and Student Center) are assigned annually by the University Centers Advisory Board (UCAB) during the spring quarter for the following academic year. Though student organization Space Allocations are released in the spring quarter, access to allocated spaces is prohibited until UC San Diego Welcome Week (Week 0) of the upcoming fall quarter.

Starting the Monday of UC San Diego Welcome Week, only principal members of CSI eligible registered student organizations in current standing may begin the process to access their allocated space. The principal member who will be responsible for management and security of requested keys will check the CSI Student Organization registration page to ensure their status as principal member is approved, as well as ensuring their related student organization is in current standing. (Principal members and their student organization must both be in current standing to be allocated keys to their space. Failure to meet both requirements will restrict all access to allocated spaces).

If both the principal member and student organization are in current standing, the principal member who will be responsible for management and security of requested keys will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Read the Student Organization Space Allocation Policy Form online in depth.
  2. Visit the University Centers Executive Assistant in Office 3.309 of Price Center West to sign this form and check out keys.

Move-Out Rules and Regulations

To allow for annual cleaning and maintenance of all UCAB student organization spaces, all CSI-registered student organizations with UCAB space allocations are annually required to move completely out of the space*, as well as return their space keys by 4:00pm on Friday of Week 10 of the Spring Quarter. Failure to return all allocated space keys will result in penalty fees** that will be charged to the responsible Student Organization. 

*A Student Organization may request for an exception, but not all exceptions are granted. Please email the UCAB Vice Chair at for more details.

**See Student Organization Space Allocation Policy Form for details.

 Any and all items left in student organization spaces after the deadline will be disposed of in a timely manner.


After you have thoroughly read through the process, timeline, and eligibility information listed above, you are ready to submit an application for space.  

Space is not guaranteed and interested student organizations must apply each year.

Applications for 24/25 have CLOSED

Space Allocation Archive