One of the most unique spaces on campus, the Graffiti Art Park is a place to express yourself and inspire others; it is an ever-changing and evolving outdoor art gallery. Stop by and enjoy the newest creations!

Located near the Student Center (in the eucalyptus grove east of The Stage Room and south of the Mandeville coffee cart).
Art Park Guidelines
The Art Park is a safe space for expression, self-policed by students; It is at risk of closure and discontinuation should these community guidelines be disregarded.
- Paint only on boards; not trees or buildings.
- Properly dispose used paints and supplies in special bin provided.
- Respect the art. Create more art, not vandalism.
- Leave the park cleaner than you found it.
- Always be respectful of other artists, their expressions, ideas, and work.
- Share this space--it is a community resource to be used and shared by all.
- Report anything problematic to:
- If you are concerned with something you see created in Graffiti Art Park, consider information posted at
The ideas and thoughts expressed in the Graffiti Art Park do not necessarily represent the students nor the University of California.
About Graffiti Art Park
Set in a eucalyptus grove at the Student Center are eight double-sided, plywood canvases, inviting students to paint, draw, write, and express themselves.
The Graffiti Art Park opened in 2014 as the direct result of student and administration collaboration. Many students were disappointed when “Graffiti Hall” in the Mandeville facility was painted over in 2013. The graffiti there had covered every inch of a hallway and an emergency exit. Students were left wanting similar space to express themselves. The University Centers Advisory Board (UCAB) was supportive of the idea, so University Centers and Student Life began working with students from Associated Students to advance the project.
A visit to Writerz Blok in southeast San Diego inspired the group and provided the foundation for building and managing a graffiti park. University Centers drafted designs in collaboration with UC San Diego student Kyle Heiskala. Kyle took lead on the project and pitched the idea to the Campus Planning team and the Open Space Committee, which ultimately approved the project as a pilot for the space at the Student Center.
While University Centers is the administrative unit in charge of managing the Graffiti Art Park, UC San Diego students have set the standards and expectations for the Art Park. Kyle worked with his fellow students to develop the initial guidelines for using the park—important rules that help ensure the Art Park remains a safe space where creativity can flourish.
Gallery Photos
UC San Diego is committed to the highest standards of civility and decency toward all as reflected in the UCSD Principles of Community. The University rejects acts of harassment and discrimination, works to resolve concerns, and investigates known facts to determine if University policies have been violated. See Principles of Community
If you are concerned with something you see in the Art Park, consider the following resources: