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Budget & Planning

University Centers is committed to providing UC San Diego students and community with the best possible facilities, services and programs.

2024-2025 Budget


2023-2024 Budget

2022-2023 Budget

2021-2022 Budget

2020-2021 Budget

2019-2020 Budget

2018-2019 Budget

2017-2018 Budget Impact

2016-2017 Budget Impact

2015-2016 Budget Impact

2014-2015 Budget Impact

2013-2014 Budget Impact

2012-2013 Budget Impact

2011-2012 Budget Impact

Student Usage and Priority Survey (2012)

University Centers surveyed students to learn more about the usage of its facilities, services, and programs. The results influenced decisions to retain, reduce significantly, or eliminate services, in efforts to balance the budget. The survey was sent to a randomized sample of 8,000 undergraduate and graduate/professional students in a ratio proportional to enrollment. The results are available below.

Quick Summary: All Respondents (PDF) 

Survey Results: All Respondents (PDF)

Survey Results: Graduate/Professional Students Only (PDF)

Survey Results: Undergraduate Students Only (PDF)

Facility Condition Assessment

Facility Condition Analyses of Price Center East, Price Center West, Student Center A, Che Facility, and Crafts Center were conducted by the ISES Corporation, an independent third-party expert in facilities management. Facility condition reports provide University Centers with information for ten year capital planning of needed maintenance, repair, replacement and renovation of its facilities. Information gathered through the facility condition analysis process is incorporated into the more comprehensive Long Term Facility Maintenance Plan FY2015-16 to FY2024-2025 (PDF).

Price Center East Report (PDF)

Price Center West Report (PDF)
Price Center West dining ceiling Price Center West HVAC louvers Price Center West stucco Price Center West chilled pipe insulation Price Center West roof 

Student Center Report (PDF)
Student Center water damage leak deck Student Center new sewer pipe Student Center electric panel Student Center roof replace Student Center plumbing replace Student Center electrical replacement

Che Facility Report (PDF)
Che Cafe roof deterioration repair Che Cafe mechanical systems replacement Che Cafe light replacement Che Cafe exterior siding 

Crafts Center Report (PDF)
Craft Center fire sprinkler Craft Center overhead lighting Craft Center electrical setup Craft Center roof